EnP in Upstream
EnP demonstrates its belief in the attractiveness of exploration and production onshore in Brazil, which is reflected in the current E&P portfolio of the business group focuses on the onshore of the Espírito Santo and Tucano Sul basins (Bahia).
Oil Fields (Polo Lagoa Pardas, Linhares / ES)
EnP has a 50% interest in SPE Imetame Energia Lagoa Parda, which operates the Lagoa Parda, Lagoa Parda Norte and Lagoa Piabanha fields.
Exploratory Blocks in the Espírito Santo onshore Basin (Linhares, Jaguaré, São Mateus and Conceição da Barra / ES)
EnP group has an interest, through its subsidiary EnP Ecossistemas Energéticos Holding S.A., in 12 onshore exploration blocks in the Espírito Santo Basin, with an oil discovery in the ES-T-487 block, through exploratory well 1-IMET- 27-ES (Vida).
EnP’s E&P portfolio with participation in 12 exploratory blocks and 3 oil fields in the Espírito Santo Basin land.
Exploratory Blocks in the Tucano Sul Basin (BA)
It is also part of the E&P portfolio of the EnP group, interested in exploratory blocks TUC-T-139 and 147. These assets were acquired through Imetame Energia consortium (operator with 30%) and Energy Paranã (70%), a joint venture 50 / 50% between EnP and Petres (InterAlli Group) and are in the transfer process with the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels.