EnP in Midstream
Hub GasinES (Southeast Integration Gas Pipeline)
Project of an innovative submarine hub interconnecting the maritime gas pipeline networks of the states of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Espírito Santo (ES) and allowing access to different gas treatment units, existing and under design, in the North of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo. These gas treatment plants together have an available daily processing capacity of more than 20 million cubic meters.
Hub GasinES will be possible to increase the amount of offshore gas arriving in ES and RJ, providing conditions for the installation of CNG, LNG, underground gas storage, and blue hydrogen plants.
UAPO/UPGN Lagoa Parda and Liquid Treatment Plant (Linhares / ES)
The Lagoa Parda Complex has an infrastructure with the capacity to process 1.9 million cubic meters of natural gas per day, including a Dew Point Adjustment Unit (UAPO) with a capacity of 1.5 million cubic meters per day and a Natural Gas Processing (UPGN) with a capacity of 0.4 million cubic meters per day. This infrastructure will be reactivated to process onshore and offshore gas produced in the Espírito Santo Basin.
In addition, this Pole also has a Liquid Treatment Station with a capacity of 25 thousand barrels of liquid per day, of which 7.5 thousand barrels / day of oil.
All of this infrastructure is connected to the GASENE (Gasoduto Sudeste – Nordeste) and Lagoa Parda to Vitória gas pipelines as export routes for the gas treated at the plant.